Saturday, 27 June 2015


Hey there!

It's me again. Long time, no post, unfortunately. But it's life, life as it is. So let me tell what have been happening in my life in my absence. It's not a lot but I want to share and try to come back to blogging, starting with this post.

Last time I posted 3 months ago. So, whole 3 months, a quarter of the year, one season. A lot of time but still so little. Those of you who read my blog earlier know that I've graduated in January, after what I started searching for a job. I couldn't find anything for some time. And let me tell you it was a hard time. I felt  useless, down, apathetic. After 2 months of unsuccessful search I lost hope. But not only hope to find job, no, it was worse. I lost hope for everything. To show the situation I should point out that I always was a person that even in the darkest scenarios had hope, I always believed for the best. But at that point in my life I had lost hope. I didn't believe I will find a job, meet love, be happy. Now when I look back, I was probably near to depression (or maybe it was already an early stage). 
But in March everything has changed. I found a job! Everything went really quick: I remember that I send my CV, the other day they called to invite me to an interview, day after I went there and was offered a job which I had accepted and the other week I've started the training.
I couldn't believe my luck. After all that time of unsuccessful tries, time with no offers and no interviews, I have got the job! I was really excited and happy. Even my friend told me that I have changed. Like he said my eyes lightened up again. 

So, I had a month long training and now I am working almost three months already. Time went so fast, I didn't notice. 
Everything is fine now, I like my job, I've met there new people, made some friends. And oh, I got back my hope. Now I hope for the better tomorrow, again, how I used to.

Don't know how my blogging will go on from this point but I would like to start posting again. I will try but I won't put pressure on myself. I have some post ideas that I want to write, so I'll get to them as soon as possible. 
What would really help me is knowing what those who read Minty way would like to see on the blog, what types of posts would you be interested in. Questions are also warmly welcomed. I will answer to all of them.

Hopefully, see you soon.


  1. So glad to hear you'd like to continue posting! And so pleased for you that you found a job! I'm currently in the same situation, I've heard nothing for 1 and a half months but the only way to have a chance is to keep applying. Hope you continue to enjoy your job and start posting more soon. I enjoy your travel and favourites posts!

    Aim |

    1. Thanks for your kind words. I also hope that you will find a job soon and everything will be fine for you. I know it is hard but like my experience showed, the most important is to not give up!

      Victoria :)
