Monday, 6 July 2015

Best books of 2015 so far | Update on reading challenges

It is July already that means half a year has gone now (whaaaat?). As always I don't believe in it, it is not real probably (yeah right, Victoria, it's just your imagination..)
In today's post I want to talk about my progress in reading challenges and share best books that I've read this year so far. 

Firstly, the Goodreads 2015 Reading challenge. This year I set a goal for myself to read 24 books. It should be about 1 book per 2 weeks. So far I've read 12 books and according to Goodreads I'm right on track. I've been ahead most of the time but last month or so I am having a huge reading slump and I can't get back on track with reading. Hopefully this will go away soon. Maybe there is some suggestions how to get over the reading slump? Share it! I would like to know.

Second challenge that I decided to take this year is the 2015 Reading challenge by Popsugar. I've wrote about it in one of my posts here. 
My result so far is 18/50. Not a lot, I know but I don't seek to cross off everything on that list. I know already that some of them I won't complete, so it's not my main priority. I don't even choose books by this list, I read a book and then mark if it applies to something from that list. 

Now to the best books I've read this year. 

Cross roads by Wm. P. Young
This was the first book this read as well. It is about a rich man who loves only himself but after felling into coma, he find himself in this strange state when he can appear in other peoples mind, can communicate with them. He has given a chance to make a difference in life. 
My rating: 5/5 stars.


Second glance by J.Picoult

I like J. Picoult's books. This time it is about ghosts. Very interesting story that keeps you read more. Rating: 5/5 stars.

Not without my daughter by B.Mahmoody
A true story about a woman who comes to Iran with her husband and daughter and soon becomes trapped. She tries to escape but she will go only with her daughter which is more difficult. Rating: 5/5.


Steppenwolf by H.Hesse
A classic and philosophical one. Not really my style but this one had great point about life. I liked the Steppenwolf probably because I can relate some of his traits to me. Rating: 5/5.


Hopefully my reading slump will go away soon so I could get lost in books again.

Have a great day!


  1. I do enjoy a book by Jodi Picoult. Not without my daughter sounds like an interesting read.

    1. I like Jodi Picoult books, becuase she writes about real life problems and her stories are very interesting every time. I recommend you to read Not without my daughter if you like true story books.

  2. Cross Roads looks really interesting and I really like books that actually make you think so I'll definitely be checking that out. xx

    1. Check it out for sure, hopefully you'll like it :)
